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Network related

DNS Prefetching

It takes time for DNS resolution. We can obtain the IP corresponding to the domain name in advance through DNS prefetching.

<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//">


Cache is a very important point for front-end performance optimization. A good caching strategy can reduce the repeated loading of resources and increase the overall loading speed of the websites.

Browser cache strategy is usually divided into two types: strong cache and negotiation cache

Strong cache

Implementing strong caching can be achieved with two response headers: Expires and Cache-Control. Strong cache means that no request is required during caching, the state code is 200.

Expires: Wed, 22 Oct 2018 08:41:00 GMT

Expires is a product of HTTP / 1.0, indicating that the resource expires after Wed, 22 Oct 2018 08:41:00 GMT and needs to be requested again. And Expires is limited by the local time, if the local time is modified, the cache may be invalidated.

Cache-control: max-age=30

Cache-Control appears in HTTP/1.1 and takes precedence over Expires. This attribute indicates that the resource expires after 30 seconds and needs to be requested again.

Negotiation cache

If the cache expires, we can use negotiation cache to solve the problem. Negotiation cache requires a request and returns 304 if the cache is valid.

Negotiation cache needs to be implemented by the client-side and server-side together. Like strong caching, there are two implementations.

Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since

Last-Modified indicates the last modified date of the local file. If-Modified-Since will send the value of Last-Modified to the server, asking the server if the resource has been updated after that date, and if there is an update, the new resource will be sent back.

But if you open the cache file locally, it will cause Last-Modified to be modified, so ETag appears in HTTP / 1.1

ETag and If-None-Match

ETag is similar to the fingerprint of a file. If-None-Match sends the current ETag to the server and asks whether the ETag of the resource changes. If there is a change, the new resource will be sent back. And ETag has a higher priority than Last-Modified

Choosing the suitable caching strategy

We can use strong cache with negotiation cache to solve most problems, but in some special cases, we may need to choose a special caching strategy.

  • For some resources that do not need to be cached, we can use Cache-control: no-store to indicate that the resource does not need to be cached.
  • For the resources that will be frequently changed, we can use Cache-Control: no-cache with ETag to indicate that the resource is cached, but each time it will send a request to ask if the resource is updated.
  • For code files, we usually use Cache-Control: max-age=31536000 with the negotiation cache, and then make the file fingerprinted. Once the name of the file changes, the new file will be downloaded immediately.

Use HTTP / 2.0

Since browsers have limitations on concurrent requests, each request needs to be established and disconnected in the era of HTTP/1.1, which will consume several RTT , and loading large files requires more time because of TCP Slow Start.

Multiplexing was introduced in HTTP/2.0, allowing multiple requests to use the same TCP connect, greatly speeding up the loading of websites. Header compression is also supported, further shortening the size of the request data.

To know more detailed content, you can view this section TODO


In development, you may encounter such a situation. Some resources do not need to be used immediately, but you want to get it as soon as possible. At this point, you can use preloading.

Preloading is actually a declarative fetch that forces the browser to request resources and does not block the onload event. You can use the following code to enable preloading

<link rel="preload" href="">

Preloading can reduce the loading time of home screen to a certain degree because some important files that do not affect the home screen can be delayed for loading. The only disadvantage is that the compatibility is not good.


The downloaded file can be pre-rendered in the background through pre-rendering. You can use the following code to enable pre-rendering.

<link rel="prerender" href="">

Although pre-rendering can improve the loading speed of a website, it must be 100 percent ensured that this page will be opened by the user, otherwise, it would waste resources to render.

Optimizing the rendering process

As for the optimization about code, you can refer to the relevant content in the browser series

Lazy execution

Lazy execution delays some logic until it is used. This technique can be used for the first screen optimization. Lazy execution can be used in some time-consuming logic that does not need to be used on the first screen. And lazy execution requires a wake-up, which can typically be awakened by a timer or event call.

Lazy load

Lazy loading is to delay the loading of non-critical resources

The principle of lazy loading is to only load those that need to be loaded in the custom area (usually the visible area, but it can also be the visible area that will be entered soon). For the image, firstly set the src attribute of the image tag to be a placeholder, then put the real url into a custom attribute. When entering the custom area, replace the custom attribute with the src attribute, and the image tag will go to download resources, which achieves lazy loading of the image.

Lazy loading can be used not only for images but also for other resources. For example, start playing video after entering the visible area and so on.

File optimization

Image optimization

Calculate the size of image

There are 10,000 pixels on a 100 * 100-pixel image. If the value of each pixel is stored in the way of RGBA, then there are 4 channels per pixel and 1 byte per channel (8 bits = 1 byte), so the size of the image is about 39KB (10000 * 1 * 4 / 1024)

But in a real project, it may not need so many colors to display an image, we can reduce the size of the image by reducing the color palette of each pixel.

After knowing how to calculate the size of an image, I guess that you may have 2 ways to optimize image:

  • Reduce pixels
  • Reduce the color that each pixel can display

Image loading optimization

  1. No image. Sometimes we would use a lot of modified images, those can be completely replaced by CSS.
  2. For the mobile side, since the screen width is small, there is no need to load the original image, which wastes bandwidth. We generally load images from CDN, firstly calculate the suitably width, and then request the corresponding cropped images.
  3. Use base64 for thumbnails
  4. Integrate multiple icon files into one image (Sprite image)
  5. Choose the correct image format
    • Use WebP format as much as possible for browsers that can display WebP format. Because the WebP format has a better image data compression algorithm, which can bring a smaller image volume, and there is no difference in image quality with the naked eye, the disadvantage is that the compatibility of WebP format is not good
    • The thumbnail uses PNG format. In fact, for most of the icons, they can be completely replaced by SVG.
    • Photo use JPEG format.

Optimization of other files

  • Put the CSS file in head
  • Server opens the function of file compression
  • Place the script tag at the bottom of the body, because the execution of JS file will block the process of rendering. Of course, you can put the script tag anywhere and add defer to indicate that the file will be downloaded in parallel, but it will be executed sequentially after the HTML parsing is completed. async can be used to the JS files that don’t have any dependencies, indicating that the process of loading and rendering subsequent document elements will be performed in parallel with the loading and execution of the JS file.
  • The execution of the excessive JS code will block the process of rendering. For codes that take a lot of time to calculate, we can consider using Webworker. Webworker will not effect the rendering process by allowing developers to open another thread to execute the script.


Use CDN to load static resources as far as possible. Since the browser has a limit on concurrent requests for a single domain name, we can consider using multiple CDN domain names. And we should be careful that the CDN domain name must be different from the master station when loading static resources from CDN, otherwise, each request will carry the cookie of the master station.


Use Webpack to optimize the project

  • For Webpack4, use production mode to packaged projects, which will automatically open code compression.
  • Use the ES6 module to open tree shaking, which can remove unused code.
  • Optimize the image, the thumbnail can be written to the file using base64.
  • Split code In accordance with the route, to achieve on-demand loading.
  • Add a hash to the name of the packaged file, to implement the browser cache file


For the errors of code execution, the usual way is to use window.onerror to intercept the error. This method can intercept most of the detailed error information, but there are exceptions

  • The execution error of cross-domain code will show script error. For this case, we need to add the crossorigin attribute to the script tag.
  • Call stack information may not be displayed for some browsers. For this case, we can use arguments.callee.caller to implement stack recursion

For asynchronous code, we can use catch to catch errors. For example, Promise can use the catch function directly, and async await can use try catch.

However, it should be noted that the codes which are running online are compressed, and it is necessary to generate a sourceMap file to facilitate debugging.

The captured errors need to be uploaded to the server, usually, we can implement that by sending a network request using the src attribute of the ima tag.

An interview question

How to render tens of thousands of data without blocking the interface

The question examines how to render data without blocking the interface. It means that you cannot render tens of thousands at a time. Instead, you should render part of the DOM at once. Then you can use the requestAnimationFrame to refresh every 16 milliseconds.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    setTimeout(() => {
        // Insert 100,000 datas
      const total = 100000
        // Insert 20 at a time. If you feel that performance is not good, reduce it.
      const once = 20
        // Calculate the number of times it needs to render the all data
      const loopCount = total / once
      let countOfRender = 0
      let ul = document.querySelector("ul");
      function add() {
          // Optimize performance, inserting data does not cause reflow
        const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
        for (let i = 0; i < once; i++) {
          const li = document.createElement("li");
          li.innerText = Math.floor(Math.random() * total);
        countOfRender += 1;
      function loop() {
        if (countOfRender < loopCount) {
    }, 0);