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h 其实代表的是 hyperscript 。它是 HTML 的一部分,表示的是超文本标记语言,当我们正在处理一个脚本的时候,在虚拟 DOM 节点中去使用它进行替换已成为一种惯例。这个定义同时也被运用到其他的框架文档中

Hyperscript 它本身表示的是 "生成描述 HTML 结构的脚本"

好了,了解了什么是 h,现在我们来看官方对他的一个定义

定义: 返回一个“虚拟节点” ,通常缩写为 VNode: 一个普通对象,其中包含向 Vue 描述它应该在页面上呈现哪种节点的信息,包括对任何子节点的描述。用于手动编写render


// type only

// type + props
h('div', {})

// type + omit props + children
// Omit props does NOT support named slots
h('div', []) // array
h('div', 'foo') // text
h('div', h('br')) // vnode
h(Component, () => {}) // default slot

// type + props + children
h('div', {}, []) // array
h('div', {}, 'foo') // text
h('div', {}, h('br')) // vnode
h(Component, {}, () => {}) // default slot
h(Component, {}, {}) // named slots

// named slots without props requires explicit `null` to avoid ambiguity
h(Component, null, {})


const App = {
    render() {
      return Vue.h('h1', {}, 'Hello')



h 接收三个参数

  • type 元素的类型
  • propsOrChildren 数据对象, 这里主要表示(props, attrs, dom props, class 和 style)
  • children 子节点
export function h(type: any, propsOrChildren?: any, children?: any): VNode {
  if (arguments.length === 2) {
    if (isObject(propsOrChildren) && !isArray(propsOrChildren)) {
      // single vnode without props
      if (isVNode(propsOrChildren)) {
        return createVNode(type, null, [propsOrChildren])
      // props without children
      return createVNode(type, propsOrChildren)
    } else {
      // omit props
      return createVNode(type, null, propsOrChildren)
  } else {
    if (isVNode(children)) {
      children = [children]
    return createVNode(type, propsOrChildren, children)

_createVNode 做的事情也很简单

function _createVNode(
  type: VNodeTypes | ClassComponent | typeof NULL_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT,
  props: (Data & VNodeProps) | null = null,
  children: unknown = null,
  // 更新标志
  patchFlag: number = 0,
  // 自定义属性
  dynamicProps: string[] | null = null,
  // 是否是动态节点,(v-if v-for)
  isBlockNode = false 
): VNode {
  // type必传参数
  if (!type || type === NULL_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT) {
    if (__DEV__ && !type) {
      warn(`Invalid vnode type when creating vnode: ${type}.`)
    type = Comment

  // Class 类型的type标准化
  // class component normalization.
  if (isFunction(type) && '__vccOpts' in type) {
    type = type.__vccOpts

  // class & style normalization.
  if (props) {
    // props 如果是响应式,clone 一个副本
    if (isProxy(props) || InternalObjectKey in props) {
      props = extend({}, props)
    let { class: klass, style } = props

    // 标准化class, 支持 string , array, object 三种形式
    if (klass && !isString(klass)) {
      props.class = normalizeClass(klass)

    // 标准化style, 支持 array ,object 两种形式 
    if (isObject(style)) {
      // reactive state objects need to be cloned since they are likely to be
      // mutated
      if (isProxy(style) && !isArray(style)) {
        style = extend({}, style)
      } = normalizeStyle(style)

  // encode the vnode type information into a bitmap
  const shapeFlag = isString(type)
    ? ShapeFlags.ELEMENT
    : __FEATURE_SUSPENSE__ && isSuspense(type)
      ? ShapeFlags.SUSPENSE
      : isTeleport(type)
        ? ShapeFlags.TELEPORT
        : isObject(type)
          ? ShapeFlags.STATEFUL_COMPONENT
          : isFunction(type)
            ? ShapeFlags.FUNCTIONAL_COMPONENT
            : 0

  if (__DEV__ && shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.STATEFUL_COMPONENT && isProxy(type)) {
    type = toRaw(type)
      `Vue received a Component which was made a reactive object. This can ` +
        `lead to unnecessary performance overhead, and should be avoided by ` +
        `marking the component with \`markRaw\` or using \`shallowRef\` ` +
        `instead of \`ref\`.`,
      `\nComponent that was made reactive: `,

  // 构造 VNode 模型
  const vnode: VNode = {
    __v_isVNode: true,
    __v_skip: true,
    key: props && normalizeKey(props),
    ref: props && normalizeRef(props),
    scopeId: currentScopeId,
    children: null,
    component: null,
    suspense: null,
    dirs: null,
    transition: null,
    el: null,
    anchor: null,
    target: null,
    targetAnchor: null,
    staticCount: 0,
    dynamicChildren: null,
    appContext: null

  normalizeChildren(vnode, children)

  // presence of a patch flag indicates this node needs patching on updates.
  // component nodes also should always be patched, because even if the
  // component doesn't need to update, it needs to persist the instance on to
  // the next vnode so that it can be properly unmounted later.

  // patchFlag 标志存在表示节点需要更新,组件节点一直存在 patchFlag,因为即使不需要更新,它需要将实例持久化到下一个 vnode,以便以后可以正确卸载它
  if (
    shouldTrack > 0 &&
    !isBlockNode &&
    currentBlock &&
    // the EVENTS flag is only for hydration and if it is the only flag, the
    // vnode should not be considered dynamic due to handler caching.
    patchFlag !== PatchFlags.HYDRATE_EVENTS &&
    (patchFlag > 0 ||
      shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.SUSPENSE ||
      shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.TELEPORT ||
      shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.STATEFUL_COMPONENT ||
      shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.FUNCTIONAL_COMPONENT)
  ) {
    // 压入 VNode 栈

  return vnode


到这里,h 函数已经全部看完了,我们现在知道 h 叫法的由来,其函数内部逻辑只做参数检查,真正的主角是 _createVNode

_createVNode 做的事情有

  1. 标准化 props class
  2. VNode 打上编码标记
  3. 创建 VNode
  4. 标准化子节点

有的同学可能会有疑问🤔️,VNode 最后是怎么转换成真实的 DOM 呢?
